Parish Ministries Information
Please Call the Parish Office at 770-443-0566 or
Send an Email to to Contact One of Our Ministry Leaders.
Thank You.
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministry Scheduling
Music Ministries
Set-up Ministry
Education Ministries
Religious Education
Director of Religious Education
Youth Minister
Other Areas of Parish Life
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Library
Ave Maria Gifts and Sacramentals (Gift shop)
Other Groups at St. Vincent de Paul
Altar Art and Flowers Guild
Charismatic Prayer Group
Finance Council
Home Enthronements
Home School Support
Hospitality/Welcoming Committee
Knights of Columbus
Lawn Maintenance
Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle
Ministry to the Homebound
Natural Family Planning
Prayer Line
Pro-Life/Respect Life Committee
Women's Altar Rosary Guild
Youth Group
Outreach in the Larger Communities
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Parish Ministries Information
Altar Servers
Those young men who have received First Communion and are above the age of nine are invited to serve at the Lord's altar.
Altar Art and Flowers Guild
This group uses their talents to enhance the beauty of our worshiping environment by assisting with sewing, flower arranging and other decorative functions throughout the Liturgical year.
Ave Maria Gifts and Sacramentals (Gift Shop)
Saint Vincent de Paul Ave Maria Gift shop can provide you with your religious and sacramental needs. If we don’t have it in the gift shop, then we will be glad to order it for you.
​Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Anyone interested in serving in this ministry should see Debbie Chisholm. The Archdiocese has established certain guidelines regarding valid marriages and regular Holy Mass attendance as prerequisites to entering into this ministry. Training will be provided.
Finance Council
The finance council is a group of appointed parishioners who work together with the Pastor regarding the budget and other fiscal considerations of the parish. If you are interested in serving on this council please contact a staff member.
Home Enthronements
Enthronement to the Sacred Heart is a fulfillment of a request Jesus made to St. Margaret Mary in the 1670s when He said, “I will bless every place in which an image of my Heart is exposed and honored.” By enthroning your home, you are placing Jesus in the center of your life and home as your Savior, King and friend.
Home School Support
Our mission is to support Roman Catholic families who, with our prayer and sacrifice embrace the call to educate our children faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium of our Holy Catholic Church.
We are here to share information, offer advice and support each other in our efforts to give our children a solid Catholic education at home. Our activities include educational and social activities, community service, guest speakers, field trips and park days.
Hospitality - Welcoming Committee
St. Vincent de Paul extends a warm welcome to all who visit the parish. Committee members greet parishioners as they arrive for Sunday Holy Mass.
These members are available to answer questions about the parish, provide assistance in locating programs and activities offered at SVdP.
​Knights of Columbus
Family and Fraternity make up the foundation upon which the Knights of Columbus stand. Our projects make a difference in communities and countries throughout the world.
​Lawn Maintenance
These volunteers maintain the landscaping. They keep the lawn mowed, the hedges trimmed, and the parking lot free from debris.
The lector proclaims the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word, an ancient tradition of the Church.
Two lectors are required for each Sunday Mass, at seasonal liturgies such as Christmas and Easter, and other special liturgies throughout the year.
Anyone above the age of sixteen who is willing to rehearse and prepare for the readings ahead of time is invited to attend a training session to serve as a lector.
Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle
Meets every Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the church for a prayer Cenacle inspired by the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP).
This gathering is dedicated to the Blessed Mother's invitation to spread consecrations to Her Immaculate Heart, for strong unity with the Pope and the Church united with him, and for a final solution to console parents who are concerned about the salvation of their children.
The Cenacle will consist of singing, praying the rosary, reading, and reflection, followed by an act of consecration. All are invited. We also invite everyone to join us in honoring the First Saturday Devotion on the first Saturday of every month in the church at 1:00 p.m. For additional information, contact the church.
Ministry to the Home bound
This ministry coordinates volunteers to visit and assist those parishioners and their families who are sick and/or homebound.
Music Ministries
Anyone wishing to join the choir is invited to contact the Director of Music. The Sunday 9:00am contemporary group rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm.
Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a method of family planning that is scientific, highly effective and is approved by the Catholic Church. NFP helps to identify natural body signs related to fertility. Classes are offered through the Archdiocese of Atlanta and are taught by certified instructors.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Library
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Library is open to parishioners.
Prayer Line
This group of prayerful individuals prays for the special intentions of people during their time of need. Many requests are offered in thanksgiving for blessings that were received.
Pro-Life/Respect Life Committee
St. Vincent de Paul's Respect Life Ministry members volunteer in an effort to protect of the unborn, mothers contemplating abortion, abused and neglected children, and for an end to euthanasia.
The group aims to promote awareness of pro-life issues and to help keep you up to date on everything related to pro-life issues.
​Religious Education
The Religious Education Department at SVdP offers a comprehensive, robust program for school-age children in grades 1-12. Classes are taught by volunteers who have a strong foundation in the faith and who are dedicated to providing children with knowledge, understanding and a love of Catholicism.
Students preparing for First Holy Communion or for Confirmation must attend Sacramental preparation classes for two consecutive years prior to reception of the sacrament. Those not in direct preparation for sacraments are provided with a strong foundational program in all aspects of learning and living the faith.
This is a process designed for non-Catholic adults interested in either learning more about the Catholic faith or actually becoming Catholic. Sponsors are needed to journey along with those seeking entrance into our faith community.
Set-up Ministry
Ministers are asked to arrive forty-five (45) minutes prior to Holy Mass and are responsible for preparing the vessels and gifts at the credence and gifts table as well as performing other duties prior to our Eucharistic celebration. This ministry also invites parishioners to present the gifts during the offertory. Training is provided.
​St. Vincent de Paul Society
651 West Memorial Drive, Dallas, Georgia 30132
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Family Support Center: 770-443-1533
The Family Support Center provides outreach to those in the community who are in need of assistance obtaining food, meeting utility bills, prescriptions and home visits.
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store 770-443-1537
Ushers offer direction with regard to seating, organizing and conducting collections and assisting with offertory and communion processions. The Ushers are also called upon to answer any variety of questions and must be prepared to handle emergencies when the need arises.
Women's Altar Rosary Guild
The purpose of the Guild is to further the spiritual welfare of its members, to help meet the needs of the parish and community, and to encourage and promote a spirit of goodwill and friendship among the members. The Women's Altar Rosary Guild meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. during the school year.
Youth Group
Elementary Activities Afternoons meet once a month on Sundays after the 12 noon Holy Mass from 1-3:00 p.m.
Children in grades 1-6 are welcome to join us for an afternoon of fun, games and crafts. Snacks are provided.
Pre-registration is required. Please check the Bulletin calendar for dates. For more information contact: Annette Hew at 770-443-0566 or email at