Order of Christian Initiation of Adults - OCIA
Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic?
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands of people are baptized into the Catholic Church. In the United States, parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).
OCIA is for anyone – those with little background in Christianity, Protestants, Catholics, and all those seeking to join the Catholic Church. The Christian Initiation process leads to the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.
What are the steps of Christian Initiation?
Prior to beginning the process of becoming a Christian, an individual comes to some knowledge of Jesus Christ, considers his or her relationship with Jesus Christ, and is usually attracted in some way to the Catholic Church. This period is known as the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate.
For some, this process involves a long period of searching, for others, a shorter time. Often, contact with people of faith and a personal faith experience lead people to inquire about the Catholic Church. After a conversation with a priest or a parish director of Christian Initiation, the person, known as an "inquirer," may seek acceptance into the Order of Catechumens, through the Rite of Acceptance.
During this Rite, the inquirer stands amidst the parish community and states that he or she wants to become a baptized member of the Catholic Church. The parish assembly affirms this desire, and the inquirer becomes a Catechumen.
During this period of evangelization, the catechumens will listen to what God is saying to them in Scripture, see what changes in their life they may need to make in order to respond to God’s inspiration, and they will learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church. The next step is to request Baptism through the Rite of Election. When the catechumen is ready, through prayer, study, and spiritual direction, the catechumen may be fully received into the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil Holy Mass.
The OCIA program is also appropriate for those who have been baptized in the Christian faith but have not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist or Confirmation. These Candidates will also receive the necessary instructions and teachings of the faith in an effort to fully understand what they are about to undertake. We firmly believe that the more one knows about God, the more one will love God. They also will receive the Sacraments Holy Eucharist and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.
If you are interested in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church, or if you are simply interested in learning more about your faith, you are encouraged to contact our church and complete an OCIA Inquiry Form when you are ready.
OCIA Inquiry Information.
Please call the church office at 770-443-0566 or email: church@svdpatl.com