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Reverend Fr. Adrian Pleus 

​770-443-0566 / EMAIL


1990 B.A. 
The University of the South, Sewanee, TN

1994 M.Ed.
The University of Georgia

1998 M.Div. Cum Laude
St. Vincent Seminary, Latrobe, PA

July 1, 1998 Ordained Deacon
Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta, GA

June 5, 1999 Ordained Priest
Holy Spirit Church, Atlanta, GA

June 19, 1999
Assigned as Parochial Vicar to St. Catherine of Siena in Kennesaw, GA

July 7, 2002
Assigned as Administrator of the St. Vincent de Paul Mission Church

January 4, 2003
St. Vincent de Paul Church is elevated to Parish status and Fr. Adrian is assigned as Pastor.

Reverend Fr. Omar Loggiodice


Priest in Residence 
Ordained June 27, 2009

Reverend Mr. Jose Perez


Deacon Jose Perez was ordained to the
Permanent Diaconate on December 18, 1999

Reverend Mr. James Williams

​Deacon James (Jimmy) Williams Rr on February 10, 2007.


Mr. Jim McDermott (Retired)

​Reverend Mr. Jim McDermott (Senior Deacon)

Reverend Mr. Steve Bek


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Deacon Steve Bek (1945 - 2017) who was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on February 8, 2003.

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